• (855) TRAIN 03 - (872-46) 03
  • Mark@McCatty.com

    Leadership & Team Advisor

    Improving Leadership ROI through daily leadership and team development practices. Mark McCatty, Inc - Leadership & Team Advisor

    A Leader's Role in a Healthy Organization

    As was stated in a previous post – An organization that sustains success is one that has 2 critical elements. The organization is smart and it is healthy.

    The leadership of an organization has four primary responsibilities regarding the development of organizational health; the ability of the organization to grow, and sustain that growth. Those four responsibilities for organizational leaders are: Inspire; Innovate; Collaborate; and Execute.

    It is not the leader’s role to fulfill each of these responsibilities personally. Rather, the leader must develop a climate that nurtures and encourages these characteristics in the culture of the organization.

    To inspire the leader must work to motivate and excite others to take action for common purpose, model positive leadership by treating others with respect, and by coaching and developing others. To innovate the leader must generate and support innovative ideas, encourages calculated risk-taking, and foster and encourage innovation. For collaboration a leader must act for the good of the organization, collaborate with others across the organization, and be a team player. To execute the leader must possess an orientation for results and promote the health of the organization.

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    Health is Important to Culture

    Health is Important to Organizations, Too

    An organization that sustains success is one that has 2 critical elements. The organization is smart and it is healthy.

    To say an organization is smart refers to the competence in functional/technical areas.  The organization performs well strategically, financially, in marketing, and technology. To sustain the success an organization must also be healthy.

    Health [for an organization] refers to the ability of people within the organization to learn from each other, identify critical issues within the organization, assess risks appropriately, take initiative, and recover from past mistakes.

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    Community in a Healthy Culture

    Every organization has 5 primary goals: to produce a product [or service], safely, with quality, creating customer satisfaction, and with a profit [or within budget]. The ability to accomplish these objectives consistently and intentionally occurs because the organization is technically “smart” and socially “healthy”. [I work with organizations to develop these outcomes.] A positive culture, with community, allows for the presence of organization health.  When people are working together in community there is a greater opportunity for the organization to reach its goals and objectives. In the absence of this community there is unpredictability and failure; culture eats strategy for lunch.

    Without a community of people working together people can easily become cynical and disengaged. Good community allows for a safer environment where people are watching out for others. Good community creates cohesiveness and makes it easier to tackle hard tasks without getting too fatigued.

    Case Example: Two operators where working together [at different times] on a single piece of equipment. The second operator was removing the cover on the equipment to access the interior compartment for maintenance. 

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    As a leadership and team advisor, I have helped numerous organizations, through speaker presentations, group training, and individual coaching, to meet the challenge of creating engaging and purposeful work environments. 

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